Future Updates & Roadmap

These are some future features that are planned to be supported in Fluid Frenzy.

  • Performance optimizations: Continuously work on improving the performance of the simulation and rendering to allow for larger and more complex fluid simulations without sacrificing speed.
  • Custom shader support: Enable developers to create and implement custom shaders for the fluid simulation and rendering, providing more options for visual effects.
  • Tiled Simulations: Beta feature added in v1.0.6 Allow neighboring simulations to interact with each other. The purpose of tiled simulations is to create bigger simulation areas where simulations that are too far away can be disabled.
  • Simulation Regions/Domains: Feature added in v1.2.1 Allow only parts of the terrain to interact with the simulation, creating smaller simulations within a terrain instead of the full terrain being used by automatically grabbing the correct area of the source terrains.
  • URP & HDRP Support: The simulation itself works within different render pipelines but the rendering of the simulation is currently not yet supported. The plan is to support both URP and HDRP.
  • Underwater Rendering: Enable rendering features like underwater rendering when the player/camera goes below the water.
  • Fluid Surface LOD: Improve rendering performance by implementing a LOD system for rendering fluid surfaces.